Hi! for the past handful years, i've been working across different areas in the Finacial Sector. I thrive very good in a supportive remote environment, where focus is on Coding, less meetings and thus more efficient and productive deliveries are made! I actively seek Inspiration from other companies, making myself better day by day, learning by doing and front-running on thin ice. I'm a very quick learner, and exponensially grow within an organisation. I contribute everywhere, this can vary from helping other teams to participate in more strategic decisions for the long-term vision.
Chapter Lead, Chief Software Engineer
'Feedback is the breakfast of Champions and Curosity is the engine for Achivement'
- Birthday: 5 May 1996
- Website: granildnilsson.dk
- Phone: +45 22 44 61 40
- City: Hedehusende, Denmark
- Age: 28
- Degree: Bachelors
- Email: [email protected]
- Occupancy: Danske Bank, Asset Management
The following skills is an estimate based on multiple factors, i.e. Overall Language Knowledge, Libraries etc.
Education & Experiences
2016 - 2020
Roskilde Universitet, Computer Science and Informatics
Degree in Computer Science and Informatics from RUC
Secondary School, Mathematics and InfomationTechnology
2013 - 2016
H.C. Ørsted Gymnasium, Frederiksberg
Technological school
Primary School
2003 - 2013
Søndervangskolen, Glostrup
Basic School from 0 grade till 9th grade
Professional Experience
Chapter Lead, Chief Software Engineer
2023 - Present
Danske Bank, Asset Management
- Inspire, Leading and growing engineers
- Head of .NET area
- Tech and HR Resposibility for 9 people
- The Binding between the Architects and the Developers
- Hands-on developing high-quality, organic low maintenance code
- Leading/teaching other developers architecture and the vision for where we're heading
- Building solid infrastructure, maintaining a high standard on Applications
- Actively showcasing new features and functionalities for more than 70+ people
Senior Software Engineer, Cloud Specialist
2021 - 2023
Danske Bank, Asset Management
- Key man in decentralizing the tribe and front running on multiple big projects at once, aswell as an interviewer and responsibility for getting the best candidates onboarded.
- Head of .NET area
- Moving Legacy tech stack to newer and more rubust tech stacks
- Active contributior towards documenting both low-level designs aswell as on a High level
- Pushed out tons of Deliveries as Microservices (Cloud Native Applications)
- Leading/teaching other developers architecture and the vision for where we're heading
- The Binding between the Architects and the Developers
- Building solid infrastructure totally seperated from everything else
- Maintaining a high standard on Applications
- Actively showcasing new features and functionalities for more than 70+ people
Cloud Specialist
2021 - 2021
Danske Bank, Asset Management
- Creating a solid foundation in modern development for years to come
- Actively participating in helping other tribes perform better
- Pushed out tons of Deliveries as Microservices (Cloud Native Applications)
Associate Software Engineer
2019 - 2021
Danske Bank, Markets Post Trade Services
- Creating a solid foundation in modern development for years to come
- Participating in Clubs to improve skills and retrospectivness
- Building applications that flows multiple millions through each day
- Building Razor Pages
Student Software Engineer
2018 - 2019
Danske Bank, Markets Post Trade Services
- Agile Development
- Working with Docker Orchestration
- Building supportive applications for business users
- Learning about the business as a whole
Webmaster, Freelance
2017 - 2018
- Create a stable CMS
- Updating/Maintaining plugins
- CSS Development on Stylesheet
- Working physically in the store and helping where needed